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Children's Poems.


By Beatrice Eveland


I like candies

I like cakes

I like cookies my mom bakes

Pretzels, chips and soda pop

Once I’m munching I can’t stop

I’d eat junk till I explode

Eat till all my teeth erode

Till my tummy aches inside

Till the bathroom’s where I hide

But my mom says, “Child, no more!”

Rationing what I adore

Making me eat healthy food

Though I’m seldom in the mood


By Beatrice Eveland


I could say that I love you because of your smile

Because you are dear, because you’re my child

I could say that I love you because you are sunny

Because you are talented, smart and so funny

I could say that I love you because of your hugs

They help me through days when it gets really tough

I could say that I love you because we relate

You understand me, and that always feels great

I could say that I love you because you are tender:

The underdog’s ultimate friend and defender

I could say that I love you because you love me

Even on those rare days when I’m persnickety

I could say that I love you for all that you do

But sweet, little child, that just wouldn’t be true

To say that I love you for even good reasons

Would miss the whole point:  my love knows no seasons

 I love you, quite simply, because you are you

So know that with all of the changing you’ll do

I’ll always be here, and you always will be

The dearest and best thing to happen to me


By Beatrice Eveland


Some kids like to play with balls

Or building blocks

Or Barbie dolls

Other children like to skate

And some think make believe is great


But I just love to pick up bugs

Like soft and slimy little grubs

That bend and squirm inside my hand

My friends all squeal

I think they’re grand


They have so many hands and feet

And eyes that bulge up really neat

With two antennae up on top

And body parts that go flip flop


But best of all I like the way

My sister screams when I just say

“Hey sis, you want a bug by chance?

Come here!  I’ll put one down your pants.”


No, I don’t want to go to Mars

Or some far planet near the stars

‘Cause aliens could never be

As great as bugs on earth to me


By Beatrice Eveland


To swing on a swing is my favorite thing

I’m free like the wind when I do

As I soar through the sky I feel I could fly

With the birds and the butterflies too

My feet stretching out I haven’t a doubt

That nothing gets close like me

To the clouds sublime and the warm sunshine

When I swing on my swing I’m free!

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