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Poetry Samples.


By Beatrice Eveland


There is a corner you hide in

When red comes knocking

Like a child

You fear that stranger at your door


If she were white

You’d peer through the window at her

If she were pink

You’d crack the door to talk with her


But when crimson comes calling

You retreat

Like a nervous tenant

Who can’t pay the rent


By Beatrice Eveland


Inventions manifest, one by one

Conceived of souls, yet borne of the Sun

Contraptions brilliant, wondrous and fine

Worthy of reverence, honor sublime

So, in beginnings genius gleams

Winning great patrons, value flesh deems

Yet as earth’s vessels usher guests in

And humankind’s affections they win

Sly squatters slowly tighten their grips

Paralyzing hearts with doomed courtships

Till sense lies squashed while time flits away

Life’s prized commodity:  each man’s clay


Thus one’s creativeness swirls, descends

Into oblivion where pondering ends

Lost to mind’s crevices, squelched, displaced

Buried in no-longer accessed space

This is tendency these modern days

Devalue personal matter, grey

Venerate portals gripped by weak hands

Gaze as each shallow surface expands

Watch fluff and fancy feed frenzied eyes

Let chant and chattering mesmerize

Reason be trampled, temperance damned

Squander true treasure:  hour-glass sand


Prayer to the universe, lift up this lot

Blindly obsessed with trinkets worth naught

Focusing efforts on screens of light

Dismissing bodies front, back, left, right

Help all creatures their gadgets discharge

Thereby each moment’s future enlarge

Toss mere pleasantries into swift wind

Guide lost travelers meant to transcend

Release wild imagery, insight, thought

Chambers neglected, potential caught

Till reason breaks forth, expanding day

Life’s prized commodity:  each man’s clay


By Beatrice Eveland


Silence is not golden


Silence is an overcast day that lies like lead upon my restless mind

It is a chilled and misty night that chains my nakedness to its path

Silence is a steel, serrated blade that sweeps itself across my silky skin

And hovers over my body with impending, careless pain


Silence is not golden


Silence is a restless dream that, like a hurricane, beats against my sorry sleep

It is curtains closed tightly to bind the morning and tie me to my bed

Silence is a riverbed of silt that sticks its coarseness upon my tender feet

And wears itself like sin from which I cannot bathe clean


Silence is not golden


Silence is gray


By Beatrice Eveland



They escape the lips and linger

When sound dissipates

And the sender no longer speaks

They ruminate in the mind

Like a simmering pot of gumbo

When no one tends to it

And as the message scorches and burns

The soul is infused with the odor

Of a tainted splendor now ravaged by



You flung them from your mouth like arrows

Thrust in frustration at my lonely heart

And now they penetrate my remembering

Black, red, oozing, bleeding

Staining who we were

Draining who we are

Leaving me longing for yesterday

Punctuating my need to hear

Tenderness lost in the absence of feathery



Now I have none to say to you

And you have left me to lie here

Day after day with only your echo

Pounding against my restless brain

A savior I could surely use

To press his warmth against my side

And sing away the drumming

With that one wished-for whisper in triplet

Alas, I fear you’ll never again say those three



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